Create custom spreadsheet challenges

You can add a custom challenge to any assessment or interview. To create a custom challenge on Coderbyte, navigate to your custom challenge library by clicking Customization and then Custom Challenges.

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Create Spreadsheet challenges

Under "Spreadsheet" click Create.

Then add a name, difficulty level, short description, and click Click here to start editing your spreadsheet.

You'll then be taken to a simulated challenge environment where you can add grading (optional), instructions, and pre-loaded data in the spreadsheet.

  1. Test cases: Reference a sell and select whether you want to check the value or formula of the cell. Referenced cells should always begin with the tab name followed by '!', even if there is only one tab. Values will check for exact matches (ignoring currency and commas) while values will check for contains
  2. Add a new test case: Click to add additional test cases to be graded. If you want the challenge to be ungraded, do not add any test cases.
  3. Instructions: Add instructions that your candidate will see. It is highly recommended that you specify formatting and cells for cells with test cases.
  4. Data: Add any data you want pre-loaded for the candidate. You can use multiple tabs.

Verify the grading

After saving your custom spreadsheet challenge, you can preview it and test the grading by clicking this icon from your custom challenge library:

Add the correct answer in the required cells and click Verify solution.