Select the right code challenges for your Assessment

Navigating Coderbyte's challenge library and building the right Assessment

Once you create a Assessment, you can add and remove coding challenges, multiple choice, and open ended questions to it. Click Edit in the upper right of any existing assessment to modify all the settings, challenges, and questions.

Note: Read our help center articles about multiple choice questions, open ended questions, and tasks.

Challenge library

On the first tab, you will see the Challenge Library with filters on the left side and the Selected Challenges on the right side. 

You can toggle to include or exclude any of your custom challenges.

Challenge options

For each challenge in the library, you will see the relevant difficulty and have several capabilities:

  1. Benchmarking graph: See how candidates perform on average for each code challenge
  2. Preview the challenge: See the challenge instructions and details from the code editor like a candidate would. Keep in mind that all languages will be available to you (because you are an admin) even if you've only selected some of them from the Assessment settings.
  3. Add the challenge to your Assessment
  4. Expand or collapse the challenge instructions

Language options

Algorithmic code challenges can be solved in any language. Other code challenges are Language-Specific and can only be solved in their designated language.

You can change the languages available to candidates for Algorithmic code challenges that have been added to your Assessment: 

Note: We add new languages on a regular basis. Here is our entire list of coding languages.