Upload custom databases and files

Using and managing custom files and databases in SQL

If you want to use a custom JSON, CSV, SQL table, or any other file across your custom challenges and interviews, you'll first need to upload a custom file.

Navigate to Customization and then Custom files.

Click Upload File and select the corresponding file type or Other.

All files have a file limit of 10MB and will be prefixed with your organization's name.

Example MySQL file

Here is an example file for the format we accept for custom MySQL tables.

Example MSSQL file

Here is an example file for the format we accept for custom Microsoft SQL tables.

Example PostgreSQL file

Here is an example file for the format we accept for custom PostgreSQL tables.

Executing on the table in an interview

During the interview, you'll be able to use any custom SQL tables you uploaded.

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Uploading custom files

Aside from .sql files, we also allow you to upload arbitrary files that can later be used in your custom challenges or live interviews. Simply copy the custom file URL and paste it into the instructions or IDE, then your candidates can download the data stored in that file.