Create ungraded custom challenges

Record candidates as they work on real-world prompts and build multi-file applications

You can add an ungraded custom challenge to any assessment. To create an ungraded custom challenge on Coderbyte, navigate to your custom challenge library by clicking Customization and then Custom Challenges. 

You can create an ungraded spreadsheet challenge or an ungraded coding challenge. For instructions to create a custom ungraded spreadsheet challenge, click here. Otherwise, continue for instructions on creating a custom ungraded coding challenge.

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A simulator will open up where you can add the following components:

  • Instructions for the challenge
  • File-tree structure
  • Starter code

Unlike graded custom challenges, ungraded challenges will not have test cases or points. This allows for you to create even more real-world, multi-step prompts and evaluate candidates accordingly. Their work will be recorded and watchable afterward. Take-home projects are also ungraded, but candidates complete those in their own code editor so their work is therefore unrecorded.

Back-end Frameworks & Jupyter Notebooks

You also have the option to create ungraded challenges for back-end frameworks like Django, Rails, Spring, .NET,  Jupyter Notebooks, and more. Select one of those options from the language dropdown, and the environment will initialize that you can then edit. Below is a screenshot of the Jupyter Notebook environment.

Manual grading

Within the candidate report, you can manually assign a point value grade to the ungraded custom challenge, and it'll refresh the report and overall score.