Create custom challenges with automated grading

You can add a custom challenge to any assessment or interview. To create a custom challenge on Coderbyte, navigate to your custom challenge library by clicking Customization and then Custom Challenges.

You'll see your existing custom challenges and buttons to create various types of graded or ungraded challenges.

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Candidates can use any language to solve the challenge and get points for each of the 10 test cases that successfully pass. Learn more here.


Upload your own SQL challenge with a custom table, and run a query as the solution. Candidates must then write a query which matches the output table. Learn more here.

Unit testing

Write unit tests using a popular testing framework like Mocha for JavaScript, pytest for Python, or Jest for React. Learn more here.

  • Jupyter Notebook: Create a custom Python script, along with setting up the Notebook environment to test candidates solutions. Learn more here.

Spreadsheet (graded or ungraded)

Create data analysis challenges in a Google Sheet and grade cells based on values and/or formulas. Learn more here.

Project (ungraded)

If you just want your candidates to work on a challenge or build an application without test cases, you can create an ungraded challenge. Learn more here.